
Traffic Stop; 
All it takes is a minimum of 4 soldiers dressed in semi-casual attire that makes it obvious they are representatives of the USM family, no division, no names of rank that signifies you as anything other than a representative of all people. The few additional items you have to arrive on the scene with other than the American flag properly and responsibly displayed ARE GOing to afford you that exact opportunity and obligation btw. 
The addition of "supporting actors" on the scene of each lane of traffic that's going to be shut down in all 4 directions near the approach of the exit lanes will definitely enhance the foolproof nature of this approach to the scene you arrive to take over, but it's not as critical of an aspect than having the support of at least one of your elders. (Don't even think about asking your mamma, just go kiss her goodbye after you reach the point of no return in your own minds, say "Look for me on the news, WE can't loose!", then GO! fast.) 
This traffic stop is not an act of defiance towards the USG or DOD unless you understand them as your enemy, regardless of how you perceive the chain of command, it's impossible for you to be responded to as a threat by any authority regardless how the media tries to spin the anonymous soldiers who appear on the scene carrying the flag or appearing to perform as the "ring leaders" on the ground in the process of decapitating the existing ones. Nothing you can imagine getting accused of by the utmost injustice system is going to be able to touch you, it's a matter of overcoming the fear of functioning as a servant in the best interest of Our Creator, just remember that religion has hypnotized you to perceive that as greater than the sum of all human fears. That's why you're going to be absent of anything on the surface or a desire to be attached to any "label" as an individual. 
If or whenever, however unlikely it's going to be for you to ever be asked to answer to anyone, if someone escorted by a dozen live tv cameras ask your name, "I am a United States soldier here to represent the people." 
Then you have the power to speak for the future of the world from that point on. There is absolutely no way to predict or prepare or anticipate whom or how "they" are going to respond to your Dream Team, so it's important to think as if everything from the point of establishing your position to establish the first military base for all people, as a "delusion", because it doesn't exist until after the first step has been taken. Look at it as a dream and focus on the infinite potential in your hands as soon as your crew exits their vehicles instead of all the fears associated with performing the humanly impossible act of,, 
- flagging down traffic with perfect and pure intentions. That's all you have to do, knowing how much potential and burden is going to land on you as a result. A huge contributing factor for identifying yourself as nothing other than an American soldier is because that's who you have to be prepared to function as and live up to, all of them, past present and future. It's not about you as an individual with personal preferences, everything you say and do has to be as their voices and what's best for everyone involved. Adhering to that state of mind is gonna make it impossible for you to say or do the wrong things. Regardless whose feet hit the ground, those feet would exist without the Spirit of this whole family empowering you with the strength and courage to land in that position. 
What else?? I'm trying to think of the things you're gonna fear or feel uncertain about after you land on the scene. 
Duh... The vehicles and the passengers are the main ingredients necessary to make you untouchable. Stopping heavy fast flowing traffic is very necessary to inspire their  emotional support due to the "emergent" reason for stopping traffic to begin with. All you gotta say is that "we got word of an impending terrorist strike worse than 9/11, I'm the only one in this lane but theres other soldiers from our unit stopping traffic in the other lanes. Securing this scene and demanding attention to the imminent strike is the only way to prevent it." Something like that, come up with the answer you are going to offer to inspire their support and appreciate you for trying to protect them so you wont have an army of furious people who won't agree with your "agenda" or inspiration. Keep responding to everyone who ask you directly for "the reason" you're there with the same comment and act like you're as clueless as them about any other additional details. 
Watch a video of how a state trooper brings traffic to a full stop without causing the approaching vehicles to pile up, but you gonna do it one lane at a time instead of running out in the middle of the freeway weaving back & forth. Everyone is going to be scared on different levels but it's not going to help if they are terrified or if you cause a collision with victims trapped in burning cars. It's definitely avoidable while also shutting down all of the lanes you're responsible for stopping. 
Having a handful of undercover brother's who conveniently arrive on scene while traveling in the far right hand lanes you flag down first would definitely be a blessing and luxury. After the occupants start walking towards the flag to interrogate you, they can be all Billy Joe Badass Marine drilling you with questions that are quickly satisfied and an alliance formed, who can also quickly secure and recruit all the other potential military minded arrivals who don't consent to or approve of your presence. 
One hysterical acting dark skinned female soldier to set the threshold of any genuine hysterical reactions is going to serve you better than 3 or 4 Billy Joe Badass' acting like they don't approve of your presence initially, so,, do your best with what you have the luxury of in the "back-up" dept. 
Stopping traffic prior to the exit ramps leave that window open to you for later when needed. It's impossible for me to explain how much more of an impenetrable scene can be established by having a handful of supporting soldiers on the scene with full awareness of the target goal, other than their potential to form a miniature military force to position vehicles conducive to prevent any rubber tire vehicle from penetrating the scene. I perceive it as extremely simple and effective to fortify your position and eliminate any wild ideas anyone who might aspire to overthrow and remove you from that point on with anything the PD has in their garages. A tank or two isn't going to be able to do anything other than inspire unanimous support for your "cause". 
One 3/4 ton truck with an 8ft bed loaded down to the hush puppies with anti-aircraft toys won't hurt just incase you are responded to by anything in the air who aims to intimidate you. 
If "they" wanna play that game, it won't hurt to be prepared to respond as if you're a good sport by dropping the first military bird. Just saying....
After it reaches the point where the scene is secure among your population of "volunteer's" emotionally, you have to start moving the crowd towards the center of the intersection or "stack". That's about the best cover imaginable and provides the luxury of many things like, making it impossible to determine an accurate head count estimate, hide any unforeseen problems you have to keep our of the news choppers view, everything after the initial stop in each lane that's crucial to establish as a prominent omnipotent presence revolves around leading everyone who eventually gas to exit their vehicles to a center point, as soon as possible. Then wait for them to respond to the press release that's sent to every major media source in that zone, identical to what the local and state police receive, as soon as traffic is stopped. 
You need to inform the law enforcement agencies of the truth about why you are there, after you already have control of the scene. That needs to be recorded in advance, the justification for demanding attention to the state of duress, along with your initial demands. 

No one in a position of government authority has responded to the two 30ft deep craters left under the lobby of both WTC towers and over 95% of the structure and building contents are missing.
The invisible flying object that penetrated the C-ring of the Pentagram is an unidentified flying object,  and is potentially enroute to strike again. (Good honest excuse for the emergency stop also.) 
The U.S. Naval Dept. has confirmed that the Vietnam war was initiated due to a fabricated story from an unaccountable source capable of luring the men and women of the USM into a hellacious ground war responsible for an immeasurable amount of unnecessary pain and suffering and death of American soldiers, that was also in direct conflict with the best interest of the American people. 

Boom, enough said. ... You're covered by the utmost life insurance policy imaginable. 

We want access to a live video view of our location that exceeds a minimum of 75 miles above the scene. Any of the 5000 satellites out there with a live video camera that can provide us with remote control access to, is all we need on the scene right now. 

Access to communication with whoever claims responsibility as the "key holder" for the south gate of the Gaza prison. 

Everyone working in a manufacturing and processing facility capable of dumping toxic chemicals on the ground or into a holding pond in any and all positions of seniority, held inside of the facilities secured perimeter until every drop of potentially hazardous materials are secured in a proper storage vessel. 

We are also asking that All active USM family members in uniform and All other soldiers who are allies of the USM presently serving in a military position throughout the world, to maintain their positions, stand down and stand by for upcoming global Rescue/ Triage communications from The People's base. 
Don't let anyone in a position of high authority determine what happens within your control rooms, lock yourselves inside and secure every WMD to the ground. 

That's it. 
Four simple things to be able to expose your big fat Dream Team logos hidden under a Velcro flap shortly after you attach that press release to the flags on your scene. 
Simple enough right? 
Almost the same as 2.5 years ago except for the addition demand to prevent the toxic chemical producers from dumping their shit to avoid getting the empty storage tanks dirty, since it would cause a huge delay when they restart the process. It's not going to be a potential factor for them to consider during the normal pre-planned emergency shutdown process. Accidental or intentional surface contamination is going to result in them having to clean it up with their tongues before they get to leave the facility. 
Plus dragging everyone among NATO whose been exploiting yalls obligation to defend their best interest. It's really that simple. 
Sounds impossible huh? That's because the combination of the Vedic/Hindu spawned religious confines and these untouchable USG drug dealers who control the chemical composition of your minds put the untamable teenager inside of you ta'sleep, obligated mentally confined to stay within "rational borders".
It doesn't take an escape artist to break out of that consenting hostage state of mind.
 If it sounds too good to be true and impossible to imagine how infinite the potential positive effects will be, try to remember that y'all make me feel like I'm trying to lure you out of a closet inside of a burning building all this time... by telling you the truth and not hiding the fact that I'm not immune to everything you judge me as being wrong about how I feel or have been living since I went from waking up with the sensation of being inside of a pressure cooker, to completely alone, totally naked occasionally exposed to direct fire since I finally figured out how to completely change the direction of what these children's future forecast appears to be, regardless how many sq ft of the world or how many children are protected under your roof. 
We are all one. 

Here's the magic ingredient to make it impossible for the "outside" world to tune the Dream Team out after they hit the Air waves here. 
7 flat twin bed sheets with 5 words painted on them, or queen or king size if you think size matters 😋 (thisis the only "fun" part about this to me btw) 
"Shukracharya's Adrenachrome JUNKIE SCIENCE RoundUp" 
Why those words?? it's a long story and it does originate from the desire to experience a slight sense of retribution personally, whereas the sense of retribution for everyone else, especially my bosses who were gagged to death in silence out of respect for the other extremely accomplished USM veterans whose service in the field as one of the devil's dogs included unspeakable actions, is certain to be much greater. 
The sense of self resentment, regret and remorse for failing to respond to my "calling" on 9/11 many years sooner definitely exceeds anything else associated with them doing what they had to do as a result of enlisting as a soldier in the USM. And however horrible they felt in hindsight that was multiplied many times over by having to remain silent while knowing that the holocaust victims shoes walked away from the war attached to the sacrosanct exterminators feet who invaded this nation and overthrew the intelligence positions of every USM branch/division, I understand the intensity of what that felt like for them, at least since "the science" deployed the U.S. taxpayers funded biological warfare into the world with "Operation Covid". 
The name Shukracharya, first off, be sure you're looking at the proper spelling when you paint it because I get it wrong at least half the time. It's funny how the most hallowed or hollowed, unspoken "deities" name that's considered as Allah's father doesn't stick in my memory bank, probably cuz I never say it outloud. And it's just a name to me. 
I don't curse the heavens by assigning blame or expecting one particular entities help or protection as if they are attached to any specific name. It's easier to function as if I'm on my own and not get floored when they make it obvious that I'm not. Just saying, I know you can't possibly understand what I mean but anyway. 
That name is supposedly superior to Allah but it's not very common to the Hindu religion, from where it originates, and I doubt more than 5% of the Muslim children have ever heard of it, furthermore, I doubt more than 1% of Christian's in America have ever heard of the "father of God's" official religious name.
So, it's the ultimate universal attention grabber on a cosmic level let's say. I would have never asked you to send your children into a deadly situation or do anything half assed, comprendé? 
And just by aiming for access to a live video view of the Dream Teams location that exceeds 75 miles above sea level, once it's understood that it does not exist or has never been reached from within this greenhouse, that alone is going to make the whole world start to question everything they have believed about LIFE in general, instantly, and would probably catapult humanity into a state of total chaos and ignite an unstoppable war once the whole "trapped" aspect of living within a "GreenHOUSE" , really hits home per sé. That's what you're going to be preventing, and by the gift and blessings of the universe and everything you have every perceived as a higher power, or HIM, or anything abd everything you ever imagined as greater than yourselves,, that name is right where it should be for the Dream Team to exploit as the perfect tool to eliminate any further doubt or confusion or infighting based upon whose asshole is attached to feet attached to the surface , worthy of breathing, or not. 
Basically the combination of the absent external point of view existing and exposing the most "hallowed" (according to Mr. Carlos Hathcock it's already hollowed out, thankyouverymuch!) name of a diety God who imposes prejudice division and inspires hatred among children, religion is DRT. (dead right there). 
Ultimately as a whole,there is nothing to fight about. If you haven't already endured watching EuropA : The Last Battle,, there is nothing else to fight among yourselves about anymore,  mmmk?? 
Adrenochrome junkies are akin to the utmost worse heroin or crack cocaine addicts imaginable, but they all wear fancy suits or black robes or occupy a position of high power over massive amounts of people, .. and treat people like shit. Junkie SCIENCE is about twice as diseased mentally in my opinion, so those three words are pretty much simple to understand the purpose for exploiting those targets, and RoundUp, well uno... I kinda have a sore spot on my ass for not going scrape Monsanto off the surface in 2007 after the first two laps through federal prison when that BP cock gobbling deep throat Horizon attack, Jay C. Zainey praised the executive during sentencing to probation after confessing to 11 counts of negligent homicide and intentionally destroying the entire Gulf Mexico with that quadruple blowout preventer that failed to stop a suction line... And RoundUp sounds more peaceful than REVENGE. 
Like I said numerous times over the years, it's impossible to predict or anticipate whom or how the Dream Team is responded to. Other than it would be much better if they each of the 4 soldiers who carry the flag have at least 4 "undercover" actors among the crowd of people who are going to be exiting their vehicles in each 5-7 lane freeway direction. Obviously two directions will be much heavier traffic than the others depending on morning or evening traffic congestion, and it's among all of the other variables thats impossible for me to consider sinde I've never seen one of you in uniform up close other than parades and funerals. I don't underestimate your potential by any means, but neither do I understand your potential to secure and maintain a scene that will be "almost" impossible to expect enemy opposition in a combat sense, but at least 4 tons of wasp spray toys for any flying objects who might want to play with your emotions during the most immensely intense emotional experience human beings have ever had to take the first step into,,, knowing that nothing can touch the Dream Team would be a huge difference between them ever existing in human form on the surface, or not. 
With a handful of "undercover" soldiers covering everything around the perimeter, 
The only thing they will have to overcome is the self imposed fears associated with taking the first steps for the Dream Team who are going to be the origin of Life for the Sea Guardians. 
You have always been that big and carrying that much potential. Like it or not.  


Ok,  first off, the only people who are going to be able to respond to or ignore this opportunity is the members of the USMC family, primarily at the FB page with 3.6 million potential viewers and I'm definitely going to post it at the biggest groups devoted to the female Marines also. Secondly, there is nothing illegal, immoral, or "wrong" in any way whatsoever about demanding attention to the truth about the state of duress that Americans have no ability to rectify without starting a "civil war" in an environment poised to serve as anything other than a host to a zombie apocalypse scenario as a result of a permanent interruption of interstate commerce. 
If you're not familiar with the typically jovial reference to how "we're going to hell in a handbasket", it's very accurate. Unfortunately very few people grasp the concept of "WE", and much less fear or understand the term "hell", but it's definitely an eternal place of extreme un-rest that's nothing at all to fear the consequences of taking the first step towards avoiding. 
Instead of wasting time with the infinite list of examples to help you understand how vulnerable the people in this nation are, and humanity as a whole, Donald Trump put the U.S. and over 90% of the world population on lockdown based on the Covid "hoax" about an invisible bug invasion enroute from the USNIH facility in China. You can either appreciate the comedy and sheer madness responsible for inspiring that press conference, but it's just one example of how Americans are resilient as a light bulb who has no idea WHO has control of the light switch nor a way to defend themselves after that entity chooses to pull the trigger on their pure evil inspired depopulation agenda for the "happy ending" or grand finale for the American Dream, aka, Last Bastion of Hope, or not. 
You can also choose to respond to the preemptive steps that I sincerely recommend, or not. If you can see and agree that whatever portion of "the world" that you cherish IS going to hell in a handbasket, it's up to you if your families and future generations land in the hands of the pure evil that's instigating this downward spiral, or the children of the USMC. 
I understand the nature of the beast on both sides of the equation, but they are not both driven to eliminate the enemy out of pure evil intentions. 
Obviously the repercussions of flagging down heavy flowing traffic at any major intersection in the U.S. with the American flag displayed upside to demand attention to the truth is going to function as "the end of the world", from the second this flag appears on the scene of the first military base in the world that truly represents "the people". I realize that the thought of an event like that inspires mixed emotions to the utmost degree, but ultimately it's the right thing to do, the only possibly to save this Heartland and the true American Spirit. We are a warrior people, and regardless how accomplished this demonic inspired government has transformed the biggest "mammas boys & girls" from this land into functioning as machine minded warmongers, I know you were born with a guardian/savior/ warrior Spirit, in that order, and that's what I'm hoping to awaken among the children among this family, especially the elders. 
Initially, most of you should feel inspired and empowered to understand the opportunity to avoid watching everyone and everything you love being led straight to hell in such a semi- catatonic fashion, but I also understand how and why crippling it makes you fear the potential of initiating a sequence that opens the door to pursue absolute perfection even more than the ability cause an "end of the world" going straight to hell reaction. 
All I can say is that if you fear the consequences of stepping on the anti-Earth-everything "creators" toes by saving this dying world, as if the absent / alien "God the single parent "Father"" is going to be offended about HIS children taking the steps to save their own home, it's very sad and rediculous how distorted and toxic religion has successfully shaped your perception of "Our Father" and Our Creator. 
The original pre-plan that the people who monitor the USMC family page had access to for over two years before that blog was met by the similar fate as the C-ring of the Pentagon on 9/11 included numerous examples of how "bastardized", deranged and evil inspired the Abrahamic religion's are as a whole, but to put it simply, religion is the perfect tool to turn otherwise compassionate loving empathetic human beings into blood thirsty mongrels, often possessed by the urge to eliminate everyone who doesn't share the near identical strain of the mental disease that breeds hatred towards other human beings. The most toxic and potent aspect of the most popular Abrahamic religious text are that they all contain so many truthful and beneficial "lessons" to bring out the best in children, but it's like mixing the ingredients for a perfect gumbo with 90% organic ingredients with 10% pure toxic shit. The end result is what you see happening in the world today if you watch tv. 
It's nothing new. The stuff on tv is the Disney Queen rated version of bad shit. 

It's impossible to mask the reality of shredding these man spawned religion's as a result of the traffic stop, and however difficult it may be for me personally to pass up the opportunity to do so further by elaborating on my perception of the perfect and pure deception reality, it's not going to improve the odds of inspiring one of you to respond appropriately to the opportunity to completely "flip the script" on HIS happy ending to the American Dream. 
Just understand as you continue to read the simple steps and items/ ingredients necessary to successful accomplish that exact goal, that is in fact the goal. If you want to avoid spending eternity trapped in a world of indescribable suffering and hopelessness, the only option is to aim for absolute perfection. That may be an unobtainable goal, but it's very simple to shoot for,, are you ready?
One way or another, WE are GOing to keep evolving towards a darker future until this traffic stop is initiated. 

Okay? It's much more than just "ok" to do this. It's a matter of not being willing to accept anything other than the best possible future imaginable, and it's always been within each of you , and well within your human rights to pursue. Uno, leaving the world much better than when you arrived on the surface for your childrens future IS in fact your responsibility as parents, but it's just one of the human rights religion forbids you to physically pursue as if its the ultimate sin or crime to function as responsible parents or leaders.

I don't point out the total disregard and disrespect towards the Maternal origin of every human beings pulse often at all, for many reasons other than the fear of insulting everyone who has been hypnotized to perceive HER as a stone cold dead temporary disposable toilet, as per HIS first 4 most important commandments if you don't want to go to hell. 
Imagine,, imagine if every ounce of praise and thanks that the children of the world emit towards a God/Creator/HIM/image of a MAN who is not related to or fond of this world and doesn't even perceive humans as equal to "his only son", has been directed in the totally opposite direction than your gratitude for being here alive and waking up with the infinite potential you have even while living as hostages of that external origin of Life STORY. 

I can only imagine how difficult it may be for others to graduate from the concept that your true origin of Life and CREATOR of everything you need to exist and everything you have access to throughout life,,, how horrifying it must be to even consider the possible reality and a future of LIVING inside of this GreenHOUSE for eternity, already is.  
Or that everyone who had feet before you to remain trapped here and accept that their fate is already sealed, and their only hope is that a child will awaken who can set the surface of the whole surface on 🔥 and human beings hatred for others who appear different on the surface or live according to a culture and societal standards completely foreign to one another, is great enough for them to kill themselves off like wild animals in an extremely overpopulated confined space, sooner than later. 
To stop the pain and suffering that's guaranteed to progressively increase that SHE has to endure happening on the surface of HER FACE, or on HER BACK. 
Whichever "image" of Mother Nature make you feel better about not responding to the opportunity to save HER, because you are scared if the Vedic/Hindu/Kuru diseased mentally of the men who are on the brink of establishing a world of eternal Bliss for cannibals addicted to Adrenachrome... seeing that world exist on HER SURFACE, regardless if you prefer to close your eyes and imagine HER trapped in a position facing towards the "heavens" or face down wishing someone would rise up from HELL to save HER. 
That's where the fk WE ARE padna. 
Like it or not.
 Believe it or not.
If you "identify" as an "earthling" or a "human being", there most certainly IS A Maternal presence under your feet as well as a whole world of Grand MOTHERS who occupy the same blue ocean above the surface who are as prominent and powerful than any MAN OR MANS SPIRIT that you've been allowed to openly acknowledge. 

From what I understand, there is only one physical world and one Spirit world and one couldn't exist without the other, neither could we be here today without the presence of both. Ultimately tho, neither of those worlds are in a position to enjoy the "handbasket" to hell sensation that everyone who jokes about that factual future realistic forecast, 
You are here now with the ability and  opportunity to completely change everything in this world for the better, without firing a shot. 

Hopefully this one hits "home" within one of you who can translate if you are the first one who actually "gets it". You should fear having the audacity to be still for 5 minutes with a remote control in your hand while sitting on your ass when YOU DAMN WELL KNOW that within each and every Marine alive today, now exist the power and authority to save HER from ... Everything you were born to live for. 

Class dismissed. 

Oh! And don't forget! Everyone of the exceptionally accomplished soldiers who had to be gagged to death by rewarding those hounds in hell with getting their own white bone after they remained silent about the reason for that glorious white bone yards appearance as the ultimate hedge of protection for the American peoples utmost and only lethal threat, said to remind you...
"There is no worse hell than the one that awaits those who failed to respond to their calling in time due to imaginary fears. Never fear the devil until you lose the ability to shake the ground with your presence while the world can see what you stand for. 

You should already know thats the truth.  
I do. 

Here's a sweet tune I heard about halfway through explaining the opportunity you have to choose from, without any of my anti -alien vitriol included. 😉 Might help you choke artist swallow the truth about who you are here to protect your families from , now. 



Traffic Stop; 
All it takes is a minimum of 4 soldiers dressed in semi-casual attire that makes it obvious they are representatives of the USM family, no division, no names of rank that signifies you as anything other than a representative of all people. The few additional items you have to arrive on the scene with other than the American flag properly and responsibly displayed ARE GOing to afford you that exact opportunity and obligation btw. 
The addition of "supporting actors" on the scene of each lane of traffic that's going to be shut down in all 4 directions near the approach of the exit lanes will definitely enhance the foolproof nature of this approach to the scene you arrive to take over, but it's not as critical of an aspect than having the support of at least one of your elders. (Don't even think about asking your mamma, just go kiss her goodbye after you reach the point of no return in your own minds, say "Look for me on the news, WE can't loose!", then GO! fast.) 
This traffic stop is not an act of defiance towards the USG or DOD unless you understand them as your enemy, regardless of how you perceive the chain of command, it's impossible for you to be responded to as a threat by any authority regardless how the media tries to spin the anonymous soldiers who appear on the scene carrying the flag or appearing to perform as the "ring leaders" on the ground in the process of decapitating the existing ones. Nothing you can imagine getting accused of by the utmost injustice system is going to be able to touch you, it's a matter of overcoming the fear of functioning as a servant in the best interest of Our Creator, just remember that religion has hypnotized you to perceive that as greater than the sum of all human fears. That's why you're going to be absent of anything on the surface or a desire to be attached to any "label" as an individual. 
If or whenever, however unlikely it's going to be for you to ever be asked to answer to anyone, if someone escorted by a dozen live tv cameras ask your name, "I am a United States soldier here to represent the people." 
Then you have the power to speak for the future of the world from that point on. There is absolutely no way to predict or prepare or anticipate whom or how "they" are going to respond to your Dream Team, so it's important to think as if everything from the point of establishing your position to establish the first military base for all people, as a "delusion", because it doesn't exist until after the first step has been taken. Look at it as a dream and focus on the infinite potential in your hands as soon as your crew exits their vehicles instead of all the fears associated with performing the humanly impossible act of,, 
- flagging down traffic with perfect and pure intentions. That's all you have to do, knowing how much potential and burden is going to land on you as a result. A huge contributing factor for identifying yourself as nothing other than an American soldier is because that's who you have to be prepared to function as and live up to, all of them, past present and future. It's not about you as an individual with personal preferences, everything you say and do has to be as their voices and what's best for everyone involved. Adhering to that state of mind is gonna make it impossible for you to say or do the wrong things. Regardless whose feet hit the ground, those feet would exist without the Spirit of this whole family empowering you with the strength and courage to land in that position. 
What else?? I'm trying to think of the things you're gonna fear or feel uncertain about after you land on the scene. 
Duh... The vehicles and the passengers are the main ingredients necessary to make you untouchable. Stopping heavy fast flowing traffic is very necessary to inspire their emotional support due to the "emergent" reason for stopping traffic to begin with. All you gotta say is that "we got word of an impending terrorist strike worse than 9/11, I'm the only one in this lane but theres other soldiers from our unit stopping traffic in the other lanes. Securing this scene and demanding attention to the imminent strike is the only way to prevent it." Something like that, come up with the answer you are going to offer to inspire their support and appreciate you for trying to protect them so you wont have an army of furious people who won't agree with your "agenda" or inspiration. Keep responding to everyone who ask you directly for "the reason" you're there with the same comment and act like you're as clueless as them about any other additional details. 
Watch a video of how a state trooper brings traffic to a full stop without causing the approaching vehicles to pile up, but you gonna do it one lane at a time instead of running out in the middle of the freeway weaving back & forth. Everyone is going to be scared on different levels but it's not going to help if they are terrified or if you cause a collision with victims trapped in burning cars. It's definitely avoidable while also shutting down all of the lanes you're responsible for stopping. 
Having a handful of undercover brother's who conveniently arrive on scene while traveling in the far right hand lanes you flag down first would definitely be a blessing and luxury. After the occupants start walking towards the flag to interrogate you, they can be all Billy Joe Badass Marine drilling you with questions that are quickly satisfied and an alliance formed, who can also quickly secure and recruit all the other potential military minded arrivals who don't consent to or approve of your presence. 
One hysterical acting dark skinned female soldier to set the threshold of any genuine hysterical reactions is going to serve you better than 3 or 4 Billy Joe Badass' acting like they don't approve of your presence initially, so,, do your best with what you have the luxury of in the "back-up" dept. 
Stopping traffic prior to the exit ramps leave that window open to you for later when needed. It's impossible for me to explain how much more of an impenetrable scene can be established by having a handful of supporting soldiers on the scene with full awareness of the target goal, other than their potential to form a miniature military force to position vehicles conducive to prevent any rubber tire vehicle from penetrating the scene. I perceive it as extremely simple and effective to fortify your position and eliminate any wild ideas anyone who might aspire to overthrow and remove you from that point on with anything the PD has in their garages. A tank or two isn't going to be able to do anything other than inspire unanimous support for your "cause". 
One 3/4 ton truck with an 8ft bed loaded down to the hush puppies with anti-aircraft toys won't hurt just incase you are responded to by anything in the air who aims to intimidate you. 
If "they" wanna play that game, it won't hurt to be prepared to respond as if you're a good sport by dropping the first military bird. Just saying....
After it reaches the point where the scene is secure among your population of "volunteer's" emotionally, you have to start moving the crowd towards the center of the intersection or "stack". That's about the best cover imaginable and provides the luxury of many things like, making it impossible to determine an accurate head count estimate, hide any unforeseen problems you have to keep our of the news choppers view, everything after the initial stop in each lane that's crucial to establish as a prominent omnipotent presence revolves around leading everyone who eventually gas to exit their vehicles to a center point, as soon as possible. Then wait for them to respond to the press release that's sent to every major media source in that zone, identical to what the local and state police receive, as soon as traffic is stopped. 
You need to inform the law enforcement agencies of the truth about why you are there, after you already have control of the scene. That needs to be recorded in advance, the justification for demanding attention to the state of duress, along with your initial demands. 

No one in a position of government authority has responded to the two 30ft deep craters left under the lobby of both WTC towers and over 95% of the structure and building contents are missing.
The invisible flying object that penetrated the C-ring of the Pentagram is an unidentified flying object, and is potentially enroute to strike again. (Good honest excuse for the emergency stop also.) 
The U.S. Naval Dept. has confirmed that the Vietnam war was initiated due to a fabricated story from an unaccountable source capable of luring the men and women of the USM into a hellacious ground war responsible for an immeasurable amount of unnecessary pain and suffering and death of American soldiers, that was also in direct conflict with the best interest of the American people. 

Boom, enough said. ... You're covered by the utmost life insurance policy imaginable. 

We want access to a live video view of our location that exceeds a minimum of 75 miles above the scene. Any of the 5000 satellites out there with a live video camera that can provide us with remote control access to, is all we need on the scene right now. 

Access to communication with whoever claims responsibility as the "key holder" for the south gate of the Gaza prison. 

Everyone working in a manufacturing and processing facility capable of dumping toxic chemicals on the ground or into a holding pond in any and all positions of seniority, held inside of the facilities secured perimeter until every drop of potentially hazardous materials are secured in a proper storage vessel. 

We are also asking that All active USM family members in uniform and All other soldiers who are allies of the USM presently serving in a military position throughout the world, to maintain their positions, stand down and stand by for upcoming global Rescue/ Triage communications from The People's base. 
Don't let anyone in a position of high authority determine what happens within your control rooms, lock yourselves inside and secure every WMD to the ground. 

That's it. 
Four simple things to be able to expose your big fat Dream Team logos hidden under a Velcro flap shortly after you attach that press release to the flags on your scene. 
Simple enough right? 
Almost the same as 2.5 years ago except for the addition demand to prevent the toxic chemical producers from dumping their shit to avoid getting the empty storage tanks dirty, since it would cause a huge delay when they restart the process. It's not going to be a potential factor for them to consider during the normal pre-planned emergency shutdown process. Accidental or intentional surface contamination is going to result in them having to clean it up with their tongues before they get to leave the facility. 
Plus dragging everyone among NATO whose been exploiting yalls obligation to defend their best interest. It's really that simple. 
Sounds impossible huh? That's because the combination of the Vedic/Hindu spawned religious confines and these untouchable USG drug dealers who control the chemical composition of your minds put the untamable teenager inside of you ta'sleep, obligated mentally confined to stay within "rational borders".
It doesn't take an escape artist to break out of that consenting hostage state of mind.
 If it sounds too good to be true and impossible to imagine how infinite the potential positive effects will be, try to remember that y'all make me feel like I'm trying to lure you out of a closet inside of a burning building all this time... by telling you the truth and not hiding the fact that I'm not immune to everything you judge me as being wrong about how I feel or have been living since I went from waking up with the sensation of being inside of a pressure cooker, to completely alone, totally naked occasionally exposed to direct fire since I finally figured out how to completely change the direction of what these children's future forecast appears to be, regardless how many sq ft of the world or how many children are protected under your roof. 
We are all one. 

Here's the magic ingredient to make it impossible for the "outside" world to tune the Dream Team out after they hit the Air waves here. 
7 flat twin bed sheets with 5 words painted on them, or queen or king size if you think size matters 😋 (thisis the only "fun" part about this to me btw) 
"Shukracharya's Adrenachrome JUNKIE SCIENCE RoundUp" 
Why those words?? it's a long story and it does originate from the desire to experience a slight sense of retribution personally, whereas the sense of retribution for everyone else, especially my bosses who were gagged to death in silence out of respect for the other extremely accomplished USM veterans whose service in the field as one of the devil's dogs included unspeakable actions, is certain to be much greater. 
The sense of self resentment, regret and remorse for failing to respond to my "calling" on 9/11 many years sooner definitely exceeds anything else associated with them doing what they had to do as a result of enlisting as a soldier in the USM. And however horrible they felt in hindsight that was multiplied many times over by having to remain silent while knowing that the holocaust victims shoes walked away from the war attached to the sacrosanct exterminators feet who invaded this nation and overthrew the intelligence positions of every USM branch/division, I understand the intensity of what that felt like for them, at least since "the science" deployed the U.S. taxpayers funded biological warfare into the world with "Operation Covid". 
The name Shukracharya, first off, be sure you're looking at the proper spelling when you paint it because I get it wrong at least half the time. It's funny how the most hallowed or hollowed, unspoken "deities" name that's considered as Allah's father doesn't stick in my memory bank, probably cuz I never say it outloud. And it's just a name to me. 
I don't curse the heavens by assigning blame or expecting one particular entities help or protection as if they are attached to any specific name. It's easier to function as if I'm on my own and not get floored when they make it obvious that I'm not. Just saying, I know you can't possibly understand what I mean but anyway. 
That name is supposedly superior to Allah but it's not very common to the Hindu religion, from where it originates, and I doubt more than 5% of the Muslim children have ever heard of it, furthermore, I doubt more than 1% of Christian's in America have ever heard of the "father of God's" official religious name.
So, it's the ultimate universal attention grabber on a cosmic level let's say. I would have never asked you to send your children into a deadly situation or do anything half assed, comprendé? 
And just by aiming for access to a live video view of the Dream Teams location that exceeds 75 miles above sea level, once it's understood that it does not exist or has never been reached from within this greenhouse, that alone is going to make the whole world start to question everything they have believed about LIFE in general, instantly, and would probably catapult humanity into a state of total chaos and ignite an unstoppable war once the whole "trapped" aspect of living within a "GreenHOUSE" , really hits home per sé. That's what you're going to be preventing, and by the gift and blessings of the universe and everything you have every perceived as a higher power, or HIM, or anything abd everything you ever imagined as greater than yourselves,, that name is right where it should be for the Dream Team to exploit as the perfect tool to eliminate any further doubt or confusion or infighting based upon whose asshole is attached to feet attached to the surface , worthy of breathing, or not. 
Basically the combination of the absent external point of view existing and exposing the most "hallowed" (according to Mr. Carlos Hathcock it's already hollowed out, thankyouverymuch!) name of a diety God who imposes prejudice division and inspires hatred among children, religion is DRT. (dead right there). 
Ultimately as a whole,there is nothing to fight about. If you haven't already endured watching EuropA : The Last Battle,, there is nothing else to fight among yourselves about anymore, mmmk?? 
Adrenochrome junkies are akin to the utmost worse heroin or crack cocaine addicts imaginable, but they all wear fancy suits or black robes or occupy a position of high power over massive amounts of people, .. and treat people like shit. Junkie SCIENCE is about twice as diseased mentally in my opinion, so those three words are pretty much simple to understand the purpose for exploiting those targets, and RoundUp, well uno... I kinda have a sore spot on my ass for not going scrape Monsanto off the surface in 2007 after the first two laps through federal prison when that BP cock gobbling deep throat Horizon attack, Jay C. Zainey praised the executive during sentencing to probation after confessing to 11 counts of negligent homicide and intentionally destroying the entire Gulf Mexico with that quadruple blowout preventer that failed to stop a suction line... And RoundUp sounds more peaceful than REVENGE. 
Like I said numerous times over the years, it's impossible to predict or anticipate whom or how the Dream Team is responded to. Other than it would be much better if they each of the 4 soldiers who carry the flag have at least 4 "undercover" actors among the crowd of people who are going to be exiting their vehicles in each 5-7 lane freeway direction. Obviously two directions will be much heavier traffic than the others depending on morning or evening traffic congestion, and it's among all of the other variables thats impossible for me to consider sinde I've never seen one of you in uniform up close other than parades and funerals. I don't underestimate your potential by any means, but neither do I understand your potential to secure and maintain a scene that will be "almost" impossible to expect enemy opposition in a combat sense, but at least 4 tons of wasp spray toys for any flying objects who might want to play with your emotions during the most immensely intense emotional experience human beings have ever had to take the first step into,,, knowing that nothing can touch the Dream Team would be a huge difference between them ever existing in human form on the surface, or not. 
With a handful of "undercover" soldiers covering everything around the perimeter, 
The only thing they will have to overcome is the self imposed fears associated with taking the first steps for the Dream Team who are going to be the origin of Life for the Sea Guardians. 
You have always been that big and carrying that much potential. Like it or not.  


Ok, first off, the only people who are going to be able to respond to or ignore this opportunity is the members of the USMC family, primarily at the FB page with 3.6 million potential viewers and I'm definitely going to post it at the biggest groups devoted to the female Marines also. Secondly, there is nothing illegal, immoral, or "wrong" in any way whatsoever about demanding attention to the truth about the state of duress that Americans have no ability to rectify without starting a "civil war" in an environment poised to serve as anything other than a host to a zombie apocalypse scenario as a result of a permanent interruption of interstate commerce. 
If you're not familiar with the typically jovial reference to how "we're going to hell in a handbasket", it's very accurate. Unfortunately very few people grasp the concept of "WE", and much less fear or understand the term "hell", but it's definitely an eternal place of extreme un-rest that's nothing at all to fear the consequences of taking the first step towards avoiding. 
Instead of wasting time with the infinite list of examples to help you understand how vulnerable the people in this nation are, and humanity as a whole, Donald Trump put the U.S. and over 90% of the world population on lockdown based on the Covid "hoax" about an invisible bug invasion enroute from the USNIH facility in China. You can either appreciate the comedy and sheer madness responsible for inspiring that press conference, but it's just one example of how Americans are resilient as a light bulb who has no idea WHO has control of the light switch nor a way to defend themselves after that entity chooses to pull the trigger on their pure evil inspired depopulation agenda for the "happy ending" or grand finale for the American Dream, aka, Last Bastion of Hope, or not. 
You can also choose to respond to the preemptive steps that I sincerely recommend, or not. If you can see and agree that whatever portion of "the world" that you cherish IS going to hell in a handbasket, it's up to you if your families and future generations land in the hands of the pure evil that's instigating this downward spiral, or the children of the USMC. 
I understand the nature of the beast on both sides of the equation, but they are not both driven to eliminate the enemy out of pure evil intentions. 
Obviously the repercussions of flagging down heavy flowing traffic at any major intersection in the U.S. with the American flag displayed upside to demand attention to the truth is going to function as "the end of the world", from the second this flag appears on the scene of the first military base in the world that truly represents "the people". I realize that the thought of an event like that inspires mixed emotions to the utmost degree, but ultimately it's the right thing to do, the only possibly to save this Heartland and the true American Spirit. We are a warrior people, and regardless how accomplished this demonic inspired government has transformed the biggest "mammas boys & girls" from this land into functioning as machine minded warmongers, I know you were born with a guardian/savior/ warrior Spirit, in that order, and that's what I'm hoping to awaken among the children among this family, especially the elders. 
Initially, most of you should feel inspired and empowered to understand the opportunity to avoid watching everyone and everything you love being led straight to hell in such a semi- catatonic fashion, but I also understand how and why crippling it makes you fear the potential of initiating a sequence that opens the door to pursue absolute perfection even more than the ability cause an "end of the world" going straight to hell reaction. 
All I can say is that if you fear the consequences of stepping on the anti-Earth-everything "creators" toes by saving this dying world, as if the absent / alien "God the single parent "Father"" is going to be offended about HIS children taking the steps to save their own home, it's very sad and rediculous how distorted and toxic religion has successfully shaped your perception of "Our Father" and Our Creator. 
The original pre-plan that the people who monitor the USMC family page had access to for over two years before that blog was met by the similar fate as the C-ring of the Pentagon on 9/11 included numerous examples of how "bastardized", deranged and evil inspired the Abrahamic religion's are as a whole, but to put it simply, religion is the perfect tool to turn otherwise compassionate loving empathetic human beings into blood thirsty mongrels, often possessed by the urge to eliminate everyone who doesn't share the near identical strain of the mental disease that breeds hatred towards other human beings. The most toxic and potent aspect of the most popular Abrahamic religious text are that they all contain so many truthful and beneficial "lessons" to bring out the best in children, but it's like mixing the ingredients for a perfect gumbo with 90% organic ingredients with 10% pure toxic shit. The end result is what you see happening in the world today if you watch tv. 
It's nothing new. The stuff on tv is the Disney Queen rated version of bad shit. 

It's impossible to mask the reality of shredding these man spawned religion's as a result of the traffic stop, and however difficult it may be for me personally to pass up the opportunity to do so further by elaborating on my perception of the perfect and pure deception reality, it's not going to improve the odds of inspiring one of you to respond appropriately to the opportunity to completely "flip the script" on HIS happy ending to the American Dream. 
Just understand as you continue to read the simple steps and items/ ingredients necessary to successful accomplish that exact goal, that is in fact the goal. If you want to avoid spending eternity trapped in a world of indescribable suffering and hopelessness, the only option is to aim for absolute perfection. That may be an unobtainable goal, but it's very simple to shoot for,, are you ready?
One way or another, WE are GOing to keep evolving towards a darker future until this traffic stop is initiated. 

Okay? It's much more than just "ok" to do this. It's a matter of not being willing to accept anything other than the best possible future imaginable, and it's always been within each of you , and well within your human rights to pursue. Uno, leaving the world much better than when you arrived on the surface for your childrens future IS in fact your responsibility as parents, but it's just one of the human rights religion forbids you to physically pursue as if its the ultimate sin or crime to function as responsible parents or leaders.

I don't point out the total disregard and disrespect towards the Maternal origin of every human beings pulse often at all, for many reasons other than the fear of insulting everyone who has been hypnotized to perceive HER as a stone cold dead temporary disposable toilet, as per HIS first 4 most important commandments if you don't want to go to hell. 
Imagine,, imagine if every ounce of praise and thanks that the children of the world emit towards a God/Creator/HIM/image of a MAN who is not related to or fond of this world and doesn't even perceive humans as equal to "his only son", has been directed in the totally opposite direction than your gratitude for being here alive and waking up with the infinite potential you have even while living as hostages of that external origin of Life STORY. 

I can only imagine how difficult it may be for others to graduate from the concept that your true origin of Life and CREATOR of everything you need to exist and everything you have access to throughout life,,, how horrifying it must be to even consider the possible reality and a future of LIVING inside of this GreenHOUSE for eternity, already is.  
Or that everyone who had feet before you to remain trapped here and accept that their fate is already sealed, and their only hope is that a child will awaken who can set the surface of the whole surface on 🔥 and human beings hatred for others who appear different on the surface or live according to a culture and societal standards completely foreign to one another, is great enough for them to kill themselves off like wild animals in an extremely overpopulated confined space, sooner than later. 
To stop the pain and suffering that's guaranteed to progressively increase that SHE has to endure happening on the surface of HER FACE, or on HER BACK. 
Whichever "image" of Mother Nature make you feel better about not responding to the opportunity to save HER, because you are scared if the Vedic/Hindu/Kuru diseased mentally of the men who are on the brink of establishing a world of eternal Bliss for cannibals addicted to Adrenachrome... seeing that world exist on HER SURFACE, regardless if you prefer to close your eyes and imagine HER trapped in a position facing towards the "heavens" or face down wishing someone would rise up from HELL to save HER. 
That's where the fk WE ARE, padna. 
Like it or not.
 Believe it or not.
If you "identify" as an "earthling" or a "human being", there most certainly IS A Maternal presence under your feet as well as a whole world of Grand MOTHERS who occupy the same blue ocean above the surface who are as prominent and powerful than any MAN OR MANS SPIRIT that you've been allowed to openly acknowledge. 

From what I understand, there is only one physical world and one Spirit world and one couldn't exist without the other, neither could we be here today without the presence of both. Ultimately tho, neither of those worlds are in a position to enjoy the "handbasket" to hell sensation that everyone who jokes about that factual future realistic forecast, 
You are here now with the ability and opportunity to completely change everything in this world for the better, without firing a shot. 

Hopefully this one hits "home" within one of you who can translate if you are the first one who actually "gets it". You should fear having the audacity to be still for 5 minutes with a remote control in your hand while sitting on your ass when YOU DAMN WELL KNOW that within each and every Marine alive today, now exist the power and authority to save HER from ... Everything you were born to live for. 

Class dismissed. 

Oh! And don't forget! Everyone of the exceptionally accomplished soldiers who had to be gagged to death by rewarding those hounds in hell with getting their own white bone after they remained silent about the reason for that glorious white bone yards appearance as the ultimate hedge of protection for the American peoples utmost and only lethal threat, said to remind you...
"There is no worse hell than the one that awaits those who failed to respond to their calling in time due to imaginary fears. Never fear the devil until you lose the ability to shake the ground with your presence while the world can see what you stand for. 

You should already know thats the truth.  
I do. 

Here's a sweet tune I heard about halfway through explaining the opportunity you have to choose from, without any of my anti -alien vitriol included. 😉 Might help you choke artist swallow the truth about who you are here to protect your families from , now. 



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